Message from HKCS President & Conference Chairpersons

Dr. Rocky Cheng
President, Hong Kong Computer Society
Chief Information Officer, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
I am pleased to announce that the Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2021 (HKICC2021) will be held from 17th to 18th November 2021. It will be a Hybrid Conference under the current “New Normal”. Theme of the conference this year is "Emerging Technologies Shaping our Future in the Greater Bay Area”.
With a total combined population over 86 million, and gross domestic product (GDP) of around US$1.67 trillion in year 2020, Greater Bay Area (GBA) has great potential to be a major source of economic growth, particularly in the area of technology and innovation. This offers tremendous opportunities for collaboration and synergies among the GBA cities to create a powerhouse for providing global technology and innovation needs.
Hong Kong will complement I&T development in the GBA, thus making I&T a new impetus to the economy of Hong Kong and developing Hong Kong into an international I&T hub as promulgated in the 14th Five-Year Plan. In the newly announced Policy Address, Hong Kong is keen to develop a more comprehensive I&T ecosystem, so as to enable re-industrialisation to take root in Hong Kong. The San Tin Technopole in Northern Metropolis proposed in Policy Address, together with the Shenzhen I&T zone, will form the Shenzhen-Hong Kong I&T Co-operation Zone of approximately 540 hectares combining the strengths of both Hong Kong and Shenzhen to pool local and non-local talents, and becoming an essential propeller for the development of an international I&T hub in the GBA.
HKICC this year is to highlight the opportunities created by emerging technologies for Hong Kong IT industry in GBA. The conference will mainly focus on four major areas including “Smart Living and Sustainability”, “Role of Hong Kong in Greater Bay Area”, “Emerging Technologies” and “Hong Kong as an International Technology and Innovation Centre”.
World class technology experts, business leaders, academics and policy makers will gather and exchange their insights, and I believe the attendees will be benefited enormously.
I look forward to meeting you online or in person at the Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2021.
本人欣然宣佈,香港國際電腦會議2021 (HKICC2021) 將於今年11月17日至18日,基於「新常態」,而採用以網上及實體形式,同步進行。本年的主題為「科創賦能,共創大灣區未來」。

Mr. Peter Yan, JP
Chairperson of HKICC 2020 Organizing Committee
Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited
任景信先生, JP

Professor Tam Kar-yan, MH, JP
Chairperson of Programme Committee, HKICC 2021
Dean of Business and Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
譚嘉因教授, MH, JP
香港國際電腦會議2021 程序委員會主席
The Hong Kong International Computer Conference (HKICC) has been organised by the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) annually since 1978. The main objective is to bring together IT professionals, and business and government leaders from all over the world to explore opportunities that information technology can offer, and to share their successes and valuable sight. The conference has always been a significant event in the IT industry. Last year, it attracted over 48 prominent speakers and over 1,000 delegates participating in the conference online under the “New Normal”. More than 1,000 delegates are expected to attend the HKICC Hybrid conference this year, representing a variety of local and overseas public and private organisations.
The theme of this year is "Emerging Technologies Shaping our Future in the Greater Bay Area”. In recent years, the development of emerging technologies has grown rapidly. From AI, 5G, big data to the IoTs, these have all seen rapid development. Currently, Hong Kong is facing a slowdown in the economy because of COVID-19 pandemic affecting all walks of life. The planning and development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area can thus bring positive help to the Hong Kong economy. As the financial center, logistics and transportation center and the most important innovation center in the Greater Bay Area, it is time for Hong Kong to take advantage of its own strengths, and how to integrate these advanced technologies into business operations and daily life has thus become the key.
It is an honour to invite experts from different areas as our speakers and gain inspiration and opportunities by sharing their vision and wisdom. Participants will be able to have a better understanding of the development potential of Emerging Technologies in Greater Bay Area. I am sure you will be able to get lots of valuable insights and inspirational ideas.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors for their generous contribution, the keynote speakers for their sharing and support, the dedicated efforts of the members of the Organising Committee, the Programme Committee and the Secretariat of HKCS. Last but not least the long time support of all HKCS members. Your continuous support will motivate us to further develop and succeed in all coming HKICCs.
I am delighted to have you all with us online or onsite to participate and share in Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2021. Look forwards to seeing you
「香港國際電腦會議」(HKICC)自1978年由香港電腦學會創辦以來,已成為業界一年一度的盛事,深受香港以至亞太區的資訊科技界及社會人士歡迎,旨在匯集香港及亞太區的資訊科技專才、商家和政府官員,發表研究成果、真知灼見與交流經驗。延續去年會議吸引了48位行業專才擔任講者及逾1,000位網上出席者參與之佳績,本年「香港國際電腦會議」,預計將可吸引逾 1,000 位來自世界各地的代表,出席網上及實體同步舉行之會議,繼續為資訊科技專才及企業提供廣泛交流的機會。
The theme of the Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2021 (HKICC 2021) is "Emerging Technologies Shaping our Future in the Greater Bay Area”. We will explore the potentials and opportunities brought by the development of Emerging Technologies in Greater Bay Area, for Hong Kong IT industry in four major areas including “Smart Living and Sustainability”, “Role of Hong Kong in Greater Bay Area”, “Emerging Technologies” and “Hong Kong as an International Technology and Innovation Centre”.
“Smart Living and Sustainability” - Environmental, social and governance (ESG) has gained traction recently and playing a rapidly increasing role in investment decisions in Asia Pacific. Beyond just an investment option, sustainability is vital to the future of our world. As we find ways to increase prosperity and improve the quality of life while reducing overall impact to the environment, sustainability can create short and long-term value. Technology has the potential to dramatically improve cities in this front. Come and learn more about how technology can be embraced to create a more sustainable future.
“Role of Hong Kong in Greater Bay Area” - This parallel session will explore the role of Hong Kong in the planning and development of Greater Bay Area as financial center, logistics and transportation center and the most important, innovation center as promulgated in the 14th Five-Year Plan.
“Emerging Technologies” - This parallel session will introduce state-of-the-art developments in several cornerstone technologies, including cloud computing, quantum computing, blockchain, and cyber security that form the core of the digital transformation. The speakers will survey the new developments in these areas and dissect the challenges and opportunities ahead of us in applying these technologies.
Hong Kong as an International Technology and Innovation Centre” - This session will feature leaders from key stakeholder groups and generate a series of high-powered dialogue to look into what it takes for Hong Kong to unleash its full potential in developing into an International Technology and Innovation Centre.
Professionals including CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, CIOs, Strategists, Trendsetters, Innovators, Entrepreneurs, MIS Managers, Operation Managers, Marketing Managers, Academics, and Policy Makers from both local and international corporations will gather onsite and online to share their pearls of wisdom, experiences and visions.
I sincerely invite you to attend this annual IT industry event to meet the world-class leaders and scholars at HKICC 2021.
「可持續發展與智能生活」方面,此環節將了解更多關於如何利用科技,創造一個更可持續發展的未來。環境、社會與管治 (ESG) 近年備受關注,並於亞太地區,迅速地在投資決策上扮演越來越重要的角色。可持續發展並非僅為投資選擇,其對世界的未來也極為重要。當我們尋求如何促進繁榮和改善生活質量,同時減少對環境的整體影響的方法時,可持續發展就能創造短期與長期價值。科技具有能顯著改善城市的潛能。